Rockcliffe to Port o' Warren

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This is a particularly varied coastal walk with a mix of low rocky coast, beaches and cliffs. Also, the hilly nature of the area means that what is ahead is often hidden, giving surprises round every corner. This walk is often undertaken as far as Sandyhills, but this version to Port o' Warren is an excellent shorter alternative.

For local weather forecasts and other relevant information and services go to for Galloway Mountain Rescue's excellent website.

Scotland - South Scotland - Dumfries and Galloway - Coast


Ancient Monument, Birds, Castle, Great Views, National Trust, Sea, Toilets, Woodland
9/30/2006 - Barrie Fearnley

A lovely walk, but just a word of caution for dog owners. Some of the stiles in the stone walls (see photo no.4) are high,up to 6ft., and my 11 year old border collie had some difficulty getting over. Oh. the gorse don't 'alf scratch if you wear shorts. Great walk though.

4/27/2004 - Anna Kucharska

This fabulous walk is one I have done several times, but starting from Kippford along the Jubilee Path to Rockcliffe past the Mote of Mark (iron age hill fort) & wonderful views over Rough Firth. Wonderful.