Abergele and Rhyd-y-Foel

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Tired of winter mud, I planned a route that would avoid it. Of course, I was never going to succeed completely, but this walk came as near as I could get to it. It starts with a walk along the seafront, partly on firm grass or pebbles and then climbs to the village of Rhyd-y-Foel by very narrow, almost traffic-free, lanes. The limestone outcrops above the coast are traversed before tracks and paths through woodland drop gradually to the outskirts of the town. The route and indeed, the area, attracts few walkers, which I found to my liking whilst there has plenty of interest and attractive scenery all round.

Wales - North Wales - Conwy - Coast


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Play Area, Pub, Public Transport, River, Sea, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
11/21/2020 - Twigglet petcare Twigg

Waymark 8 stile is on the left past house with Welsh flag flying. Once over the stile head straight up not to the left as the arrow shows as this is what we did and the path was non existent. Doubled back on ourselves and found very well defined path.

11/21/2020 - Twigglet petcare Twigg

Fantastic instructions. Varied walk with initially on beach then lanes and finally through the woods. Hardly saw anyone. Alpacas still in field. This was a relatively mud free walk considering the rain wev'e had recently.

7/21/2013 - geoff peel

21/07/2013.Just returned from this wonderful little walk....even walked past a field full of Llamas lol....superb description at every waymark....2 dogs start barking at you at waymark 18 but they don't leave the farm so there harmless. 3 really steep accents but i'm trying to lose weight so didn't mind these...lol. Lovely little find---really enjoyed it...superb views from the top as well....Enjoy !

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