Grassington and Linton Moor

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Whilst most walks from Grassington explore the ground to the east of the village, this walk is on the other side of the Wharfe, a vast area of moorland with old mine tracks, many resurfaced, making for easy walking. In fact there is only one stile on this entire walk, which may be something of a record. The walk begins by dropping from the visitor centre, crossing the Wharfe by Linton Falls and then following the river for a short while before crossing by field-paths to Threshfield where the moorland paths are picked up. The walk does not go all the way onto the higher ground but drops slowly onto another resurfaced track and bridleways leading to Linton and a short road section, which is left by the stile. A further path leads back to the bridge by the falls and the climb up to the visitor centre. This walk is a shorter version of Walk 7759 and has much less height gain.

England - North England - Yorkshire - Yorkshire Dales - Wharfedale


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Industrial Archaeology, Moor, Museum, Nature Trail, Play Area, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, River, Tea Shop, Toilets, Waterfall, Wildlife, Woodland
9/15/2020 - Peter Duke

Did this walk in September 2020. The instructions were spot on and the walk very enjoyable

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