Abbey St Bathans - Edin's Hall Broch - Abbey St Bathans

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The walk starts at Abbey St Bathans, which is an estate village founded many hundreds of years ago. It climbs up an access road (with scenic diversions) and follows a waymarked path across the side of Cockburn Law, to Edin's Hall Broch, an ancient and well-preserved monument with interpretation boards. It then descends to the Whiteadder Water, eventually crossing it on a spectacular suspension bridge (not suitable for the faint of heart!).

The walk joins a country road and climbs up to Blakestone Moor, a cultivated moorland, before dropping through farmland and down a valley. Here it joins the Southern Upland Way long-distance path and leads back to Abbey St Bathans, finally crossing a spectacular cantilever bridge, leading right back to the start.

Scotland - South Scotland - Scottish Borders - Countryside


Church, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, River, Stately Home, Toilets, Wildlife
10/25/2010 - John Malone

This is a very pleasant, straightforward walk with good views and you are never far from the river. It's very difficult to park in Abbey St Bathans, so it is better to park at the Riverside, as mentioned. There is a section of the car park on the right sign-posted for walkers and is directly on the walk route. Allow some additional time to explore the Broch. I've found that this walk can be muddy almost any time of year.

7/19/2006 - Walkingworld Administrator

It would be much easier to start the walk at the Riverside Restaurant/Trout Farm carpark less than quarter of a mile up the road. Here there is a far better and safer place to park which is off the public road so car owners don't have to park on mown verges and are not liable to obstruct farm traffic. This will unfortunately omit crossing the second bridge near the church (which is cantilever, not suspension,) but is easy to reach from the car park mentioned above and when the walker completes the circuit they may still cross it from the other direction. Joy Dobie