Afonwen and Caerwys

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The walk is based on the popular craft centre at Afonwen, with its fine restaurant and numerous antiques outlets and goes through attractive pastures in a relatively unfrequented area, past a lake, through a village-sized town with a Royal Charter and then through some very agreeable woodland, with fine views of the northern end of the Clwydian range. As it is a figure-of-eight walk you can easily shorten it if you wish. It is well signposted and although the total height gain is 335m, there are few very steep sections.

Wales - North Wales - Flintshire - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Good for Kids, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Industrial Archaeology, Lake/Loch, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, River, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
5/22/2013 - Robert Hughes

Another excellent walk which has been recently been improved by Flintshire County Council replacing most of the stiles with kissing gates and very clear waymarks and fingerposts (with the exception of the low one mentioned in WM 28 which has now gone!). The electric fence mentioned in WM13 and photographed in WM14 has also now gone completely. At WM24, by mistake, I kept to the path within the wood rather than going into the field. However this good path just continued and was re-joined by the 'official' route just before WM 27. This avoided the 'tricky section' mentioned in WM 26. I also completed the walk in a much quicker time than indicated (2 hrs 25 mins)

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