Alnham Circular via Wether Hill and Chesters

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Start at Alnham, walk on to Prendwick and then over Wether Hill and beyond, over hills and through a wood to Chesters. Beyond cross wild moorland, picking up a final track and road to Alnham.

England - North England - Northumberland - Cheviot Hills


Birds, Castle, Church, Great Views, Hills or Fells
4/9/2018 - Neville Young

This is a fantastic walk, thank you! It's gone straight into my Top 10. Minor points: At 12 the description is right but the OS map is a bit wrong. The gate into the wood is at least 100m N of where it's marked - you have to have faith and just keep going till you see it. Once you are into the wood - which is gorgeous! - the stream crossing is a bit "interesting" if there's lots of water. Just before 12 it could have been clearer that when you get down close to the wood and the paths fork you need to head R to go N up its E side, not L and go round its S end - though the map would show you this clearly. At 16 I am not sure the marker arrows in the pic help much. 18 - couldn't find the grave - could we have a direction please? 23 that's a GREAT alternative - the path was very very wet and we were delighted with the suggestion. All in all an absolutely lovely walk that we will be strongly recommending. Thank you!

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31.1 Miles
31.1 Miles