Alstonefield - Sheen - Hartington - Beresford Dale

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This route follows mostly field-paths, with a few bits of road-walking close to Sheen. Mostly easy walking, it can become a bog-hopping challenge after heavy rain in some places. Few of these paths are currently well-walked, so some stiles are not too well-maintained and path-markers often do not exist, though on last walking all stiles were present and not overgrown.

Since walking this area prior to the photo shoot walk, the pub in Sheen 'The Staffordshire Knot' seems to have changed hands. The food menu was reasonably priced with good portions; they used to have a special Staffordshire Knot ale on offer, but no more it seems, at least not for now. The beer offered was Marston's Pedigree, though at prices few would pay for this elsewhere in a village pub. There were about three bench tables provided outside. A report has also come in that it is now open only in the evenings. Please let us know if you find this changed.

Returning via Hartington and Beresford Dale the paths are very easy to follow, being very well-walked, with the only real climb onto Narrowdale Hill on the return, rewarding with great views back towards Hartington and Beresford Dale.

England - Central England - Staffordshire - Peak District


Birds, Church, Pub, Public Transport, Toilets
7/1/2009 - Andrew Maidstone

Walked 30/06/09. Really enjoyable. However, Staffs Knott at Sheen now only opens in the evenings. So it's either a packed lunch, a visit to the hostelries in Hartington (about 30 mins further on) or one for the light evenings in June / July.

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