An Socach and Sgor Mor

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An Socach is a Munro sitting just 6km west of the Glenshee ski centre. The summit is a 2km-long curving ridge, the east top is 938m and the west top is 944m and apart from a small dip in the centre, the broad, stony ridge is almost flat. An Socach can be climbed from a number of directions, but this route starts from the A93 9km south of Braemar and follows a Land-Rover track for 3km into the flat Glen Baddoch, before a steepish climb over Socach Mor leads to the east top.

An easy ridge walk with great views leads to the west top and then returns to the east top, from where you can simply retrace the outward route. However, a much better return route takes you over the neighbouring top of Sgor Mor, following a path most of the way. The distances are identical but Sgor Mor adds an extra 150 metres of ascent and a steeper descent, but avoids 2km of Land-Rover track. There are circular shelter cairns on all three tops giving a few options for a break.

Scotland - Northeast Scotland - Aberdeenshire - Glenshee


Birds, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Mountains, Munro, River, Wildlife