Ashampstead Common - Owlpit Copse - Bradfield Hall - Stanford Dingley - Rushall Copse

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Ashampstead Common - Owlpit Copse - Bradfield Hall - Stanford Dingley - Rushall Copse - Ashampstead Common

Starting in a lay-by off Yattendon Lane, the walk leads through Ashampstead Common before heading up a track to reach a footbridge over the continually noisy M4.

From here, the walk follows a wide track through quiet woodland before turning right and heading south-westerly, with great views of the open countryside. After entering a field, the route descends to Rushall Farm.

The walk then leads across another field and crosses Back Lane to head down Mariners and those interesting woolly cattle. The route next goes right onto a path connecting Bradfield and Stanford Dingley. You may see deer in the fields to your left.

Arriving in the pretty village of Stanford Dingley, you have the option of two pubs to visit and plenty of interesting buildings to look at. Leaving the village, the route skirts behind the village church and back into open fields before reaching Rushall Manor Farm. From here, the route takes a permitted path near to a scout camp, then crosses Scratchface Lane before climbing to reach the marker post originally crossed in Waymark 06.

On the way back to the start, a different route is taken via Owlpit Copse before rejoining the track which takes the walker to the M4 bridge and back to the start.

Note: part of the route is revisited on the way back to save a long walk along Scratchface Lane and then back through the woods near Burnt Hill. Hopefully the views will make up for this!

England - South England - Berkshire - Thames Valley


Birds, Church, Great Views, Mostly Flat, Pub, Wildlife, Woodland
11/7/2021 - Andrew Long

Walk revisited on a crisp, sunny November Sunday. Instructions for navigating path near drop in WM06/17 updated as this is no longer an option. Walk length updated and some photos refreshed.

10/4/2017 - Andrew Long

Thanks for your feedback Neil. I walked the route in early October and have updated. Nearly all the stiles have gone and it was muddy but if you wear appropriate footwear you will be fine. Plus the Bull pub has a tiled floor so muddy boots aren't a problem.

5/6/2017 - Neil Packham

All stiles have now been replaced by kissing gates. A large number of bulls and calving cows were present in one of the fields at WM12 which necessitated some caution. Directions generally good but, as usual in a woodland walk, occasionally a bit ambiguous - eg: none of the fallen trees described are still there. Some good views but probably best avoided in the wetter seasons.

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