Begbroke - Bladon

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St Michael's Church in Begbroke is the starting point of this lovely, interesting walk to Bladon. Fields and trees and far-off views are predominant features on footpaths and bridleways and there is a good chance of spotting deer and buzzards on the way.

At Bladon, the route passes the grave of Britain's greatest war-lord, Sir Winston Churchill, buried with members of his family surrounding him. It is a good place to stop and reflect and pay tribute.

The last part of the walk is pleasant and easy, with the little church at Begbroke coming into view across the fields.

England - Central England - Oxfordshire - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Pub, Woodland
9/11/2022 - Rebecca Carley

One of my favourite walks in this area, with lots of variations.

6/18/2007 - Walkingworld Administrator

This walk was updated June 2007.

5/3/2004 - Liz Luxton

I did this walk on Sunday and including a 20 minute stop at Churchill's grave, it took me 185 minutes. I do walk at an above average speed, but even so I think this walk should be described as a max of 240 minutes long. This would encourage more people hopefully as it does need more walkers. I tramped over 2 fields where the farmer has ploughed up the footpath!! Great walk by the way!

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