Boyton - Hollesley Bay - River Ore - Butley River - Boyton

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The walk can be shortened as indicated in the walk directions. In fact, it can be split into two separate walks. The prison farm has a large herd of Friesian cattle, but there is a Suffolk Punch breeding farm there too and you should see a number of these noble animals, formerly much used by Suffolk breweries, on your way. In case you are concerned at the thought of walking through a prison colony, this is a walk we have done innumerable times. The only experiences we have had which are in any way connected with the prison or the prisoners have been to pass a cheery greeting, although on one occasion we did find a prison overall hidden in the hollow of a tree. The whole village, much like Princetown on Dartmoor, seems to revolve around the prison and you will probably meet warders changing shifts or visitors on their way to meet inmates. The presence of the colony in no way detracts from the pleasure of walking in this area and we have little doubt you will feel the same about it as we do.

England - East England - Suffolk - River Walk


Birds, Butterflies, Flowers, Great Views, River, Sea, Wildlife
5/13/2005 - Michael Woodward

May 2005 - Interesting walk with good clear directions. Walking through prison colony no problem and stopped to speak to 'locals' assisting with lambing in colony fields.