Broad Chalke - Fovant Down - Mead End - Broad Chalke

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The walk starts in the village of Broad Chalke with its pretty stream, attractive stone buildings and ancient church. From here a gentle climb takes you up across downland with views to left and right over Knapp Down and Gurston Down on the first leg of the journey, then Fovant Down to your right as you take in a short stretch of the old drovers' trail between Shaftesbury and Salisbury, followed by Fifield Down on the third leg. Then it's down and across the Ebble Valley and a short climb up the other side before crossing the road at Mead End and shortly afterwards, returning past a piggery to Broad Chalke with its Post Office Stores and welcoming pub.

For much of the walk you could easily imagine you were in another age, when the only transport was by foot or on horseback. Out on the downs, if you do hear the sound of an internal combustion engine, it is most likely to be the faint noise of a tractor toiling away in the fields on the far side of the valley.

The walk consists of mainly good paths and tracks, with a few short muddy sections after wet weather. It has the advantage of no stiles to be crossed, although you may find a couple of makeshift hurdles across the track in places erected by farmers to keep in livestock. These however are generally easy to traverse and for those less agile, are held together with baling twine and easy to get through – but don't forget of course to secure them again afterwards!

England - South England - Wiltshire - Salisbury Plains


Birds, Church, Food Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, Public Transport, River, Wildlife
6/13/2011 - Jill Larby

6/13/2011 - Jill Larby

Nice walk. Dog friendly. Minimal amount of road work. The stretch at Mead End had very high grass; if its wet your trousers will be soaked.

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