Chilworth, Southampton Golf Course and Lordswood

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The walk starts at one of the highest points in the immediate area at almost 100m above sea level. Known as 'The Clump', this point was once the site of an earthwork and beacon.

The line of an old Roman road is followed in the early stages of the walk, which lies through open woodland. A subsequent short stretch through the edge of the residential area of Chilworth takes the walker past the site of the Iron Age earthwork of Chilworth Ring, out onto the grounds of the Southampton municipal sports centre, where there is a golf course, a collection of various sports pitches and a dry ski slope.

From the western edge of the sports centre and golf course, the route follows the line of an old main thoroughfare between Southampton and Chilworth. This section of the walk skirts the edge of Lordswood, a dense area of woodland, passing the remains of another Iron Age earthwork on the summit of Castle Hill. Gorse bushes and open silver birch woodland hereabouts provide a habitat where butterflies, birds and other wildlife thrive.

After a prolonged dry spell, the walk is generally good underfoot and can be undertaken in light footwear. After rain, some stretches do become quite muddy, with the Roman road being particularly susceptible. Route-finding is straightforward throughout.

England - South England - Hampshire - Countryside


Mostly Flat, Pub, Wildlife, Woodland
9/17/2010 - Mik Crouch

This walk was really nice though a bit muddy in places but nothing to worry about. Plenty of wildlife to be seen around this walk. Very enjoyable indeed. Thank you for setting this nice walk.

8/7/2007 - Helena Pugsley

A nice walk which passes through Chilworth village, through woods, and also along roads. It is less 'out in the countryside' as some, but still very pleasant and it feels miles away from the bustle of Southampton city centre. Despite much of the walk being on paths and along roads, there are a couple of places which can be muddy.

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