Chirk Castle and the Afon Ceiriog

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This is one of the loveliest river walks in North Wales, with charming views and landscapes. The castle and its parkland are attractive in themselves and the going is fairly easy. The permitted footpath used through these grounds is now open all year round.

Wales - North Wales - Wrexham - River Walk


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Castle, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Good for Kids, Great Views, National Trust, Play Area, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, River, Stately Home, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife
12/13/2021 - Elizabeth Housden

Good walk with clear and easy to follow directions . Did the walk on Sunday 12th December on a cold and windy day after much recent rain but most of time underfoot good. Problem with washed out pathway between waypoints 7&8 but diversion well signed. Notice was from June 2021 with expectation of reinstatement by end Dec. Diversion was not good, steep, very wet and slippery and had some recent blown over trees across path, needed our limbo skills but rejoined route just before waypoint 9. Very good cafe in Chirk Main Street The Teddy Bears Tearoom . Have to question the easy rating as some challenging height gains and steep slippery slopes, still good walking overall.

9/7/2016 - Jim Grindle

Sorry, Andrew, the route hasn't changed at Waypoint 3. When you reach the gate you are at a right-angled bend on a road and you go straight ahead rather than to the right. The walk directions say both that you pass the house and that the signpost is on the far side. Jim Grindle.

8/12/2016 - Andrew Martin Pleass

Lovely walk. Plenty of variety and clear, easy-to-follow instructions. We've done many walks from Chirk and this is definitely one of the nicest. Two small points to mention. When starting off, note that the path to follow to the first gate is at the bottom end of the carpark, We were slightly confused and started walking up out of the car park past the stone pillar in photo 1. Also at point 3 the path to follow is now at the right of the house (to the right of the hedge) not 'straight ahead'. (The short drive past the house is marked 'private' with access gate locked).

8/17/2014 - Andrew Edwards

Nice walk Completed on the 16/08/2014. At Waymark 6 the brown sign has gone, but it is clear which way to go. At Waymark 8 the diversion to the old path is a little tricky to navigate, especially descending the steps towards the footbridge as an animal(?) has thrown a lot of dirt/sand up whilst digging a burrow and the steps are a little covered in it Waymark 23 the photo shows a fence and gate etc. There is now no fence and just the remains of a kissing gate. There is a path in faint outline bearing at about 30 degs right to the fence that you have been following. Had a nice coffee and cake at the Divine Dreams £2.50 'walkers special'

7/6/2014 - Jon Rosser

Completed the walk yesterday (5th July 2014) in good conditions. It really is a pleasant walk. One or two tips? At 1 - the track you need runs alongside the left edge of the car park. There are so many tracks and paths, it's easy to take the wrong one. At 8 - the footbridge is now repaired and there's no problem at all. At 22 - The kissing gate was difficult to locate. There looked to be some temporary fencing in place and a fair bit of livestock in the fields. Instead, we entered the wood on the left and made our way through and onto the main drive for traffic leaving the castle. It extended the walk to 8.6 miles but, for us, that was preferable to crossing field and field looking for the gate identified at 22.

3/24/2014 - Ben Turner

Thanks for a lovely walk. The permissive signs are still much in evidence. The bridge is still down at (8). As a previous walker mentioned - it's still possible to get across if you're agile. But if you had a large dog, I think you might have difficulty hauling it up.

3/24/2014 - Ben Turner

Thanks so much for a lovely walk. The permissive signs are still much in evidence. The bridge is still down

1/5/2014 - Ian Dodd

Thanks to Jim for another lovely walk with lots of variety. The footbridge at 8 has collapsed and the far end is resting on the rocks of the stream. If you are reasonably agile the bank on the far side can be negotiated by using the side bars of the fallen bridge. A torrent of water is running under it at present so care is needed. No sign of a bull at WM 3! The permissive path signs still remain at the start of the walk but we ignored them trusting in Jim's advice that they no longer apply! The one that used to be on the gate at WM21 has gone.

9/18/2013 - Robert Hughes

This is a really excellent walk with the option of visiting the Castle and Gardens. I was concerned that the Castle grounds would not be open at 9:00 when I planned to start but need not have worried as they are from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Directions were excellent as usual and the only problem I had was that the gate at WM 3 indicated that there was a bull in the field! I decided not to risk it and carried on up the lane and then turned left towards Warren Cottage and around Warren Wood. There is a clear finger post marking the path as it leaves the metalled road towards Castle Mill. The path soon re-joins the main route at EM4. This added 0.75 miles, but was an attractive extension.

6/4/2011 - Jim Grindle

August 2012. Latest on the bridge closure: work is now complete on the bridge. Jim Grindle.

3/11/2011 - Walkingworld Administrator

Jim Grindle has been informed by the local council that work on the repair of the bridge will start in April. Adrian (Admin)

10/12/2010 - Jim Carr

The bridge mentioned at Waypoint 9 has been declared unsafe for vehicle and pedestrian traffic and is closed.This means staying south of the river until reaching the canal near the B5070.The canal can then be followed over the aqueduct and through the tunnel(Bring a torch!)Waypoint 17 is just as you exit the tunnel, on the road above. Regards Jim Carr

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