Church Stretton and Acton Scott

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The first part of the walk uses the Jack Mytton Way, one of the longest bridleways in Britain; it is consequently well-marked and has no stiles. Although the walk goes through, rather than over, the hills, it is nonetheless surprisingly high throughout and has excellent views as it undulates. It is very quiet, like many of the walks in this area and a real pleasure. The views are quite outstanding and embrace Brown Clee Hill and Titterstone Clee Hill to the north; Wenlock Edge to the south; Caer Caradoc to the north; and the Long Mynd to the west.

England - Central England - Shropshire - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Good for Kids, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Play Area, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
4/9/2023 - Martin Arrowsmith

We walked this route on a fine Easter Sunday and it was easy to follow. Our view that the area would be quiet compared to the honey pot locations on the other side of the valley was confirmed by infrequent encounters with other walkers. It's a pleasant walk but by no means comparable with others in the area. We set off from Longmynd House Hotel so improvised a route across the valley and up through the woods on side of Ragleth Hill before joining at point 7. Afterwards we enjoyed a great tea and cake in Berry Tea Rooms in Church Stretton.

7/6/2014 - Steve Moore

Lovely walk, easy to follow and some great views. To clarify at waymark 8, the signpost also points to the 'Wagoners Wander' and this is the one to follow.

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Distance away
8.7 Miles