Cleveland Way, Stage 4 - Robin Hood's Bay to Whitby

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This walk starts out at the typical Yorkshire Coast fishing village of Robin Hood's Bay. It's well worth walking down to the seafront and having a look round the village either before you start, or on your return.

From Robin Hood's Bay, the Cleveland Way takes us along the clifftops all the way to Whitby. Here, the coastal scenery is rugged, but without too many ups and downs and there are many points of interest along the way.

As you return from Whitby on the bus, get ready for the view over Whitby from the A171.

Dog-walkers, please note the presence of sheep and dog-unfriendly stiles en route.

England - North England - Yorkshire - Coast


Ancient Monument, Cafe, Church, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Good for Kids, Great Views, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, Sea, Tea Shop, Toilets
5/15/2018 - bob higgins

We did this the other way round with bus ride (now £4.40 single) back. There is also a cinder path an old railway back which looked good, se OS map

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