Combe - Combe Hill - Netherton - Linkenholt - Test Way - Combe

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Although many walks in this area concentrate on Walbury Hill and Combe Hill, there is good walking and views to the south. The walk starts in West Berkshire in the hamlet of Combe, which is part of the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). After walking across a chalky field, there is a good climb up Combe Hill with great views across the valley.

The walk then descends, with good views west across Hogs Hole. After some quiet, country-lane walking, you arrive in the picturesque hamlet of Netherton, with thatched cottages and Georgian houses. This is followed by a walk across the fields to reach Linkenholt, with its pleasing church and the old coach-house next door. If walking on a summer Sunday, look out for the cricket!

Leaving Linkenholt, the route takes you down through a wood onto the Test Way. The walk proceeds north-west through a valley with Hart Hill Down on the left before entering Combe Wood. This is followed by the second good climb, up Sheepless Hill, still on the Test Way. From here until the end of the walk you are surrounded by big hills and kite-flyers!

The walk leaves the Test Way and heads downhill, allowing further great views before returning to Combe along a single-track route with its collection of country cottages.

England - South England - Hampshire - South Downs


Church, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Woodland
8/4/2021 - Andrew Long

I have taken the opportunity to incorporate Derek's suggestion into the walk so you now have a steep climb up a byway rather than the hill as originally described. I walked this route on a very changeable August Sunday and there was a cricket match on!

5/1/2016 - Andrew Long

Thanks for your comment Derek. I will add in your suggestion as an alternative and when I walk the route next will seriously consider rerouting to avoid further confusion!

4/19/2016 - Derek Kidd

At waymark 3 didn't find a path to 4 and 5.Walked from 3 along base of Sugglestone down to bridle track turned right and met road approx 388608 then walked down the road to point 5. This could have been achieved by walking from waymark 1 past lower farm to pick up this bridle track. The weather was excellent today so bluebells and garlic were in flower also a bank with violets on both sides.