Crowle - Grafton Flyford - Huddington Court - Crowle

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The walk starts at The Chequers Inn, Crowle, a family restaurant and pub with a Garden Suite. It takes you down country lanes, over farmland to Froxmere Court. From there you walk through more fields, skirting Bow Wood, to get to the edge of Grafton Flyford. Here, a note in the church register for 1676–1812 states that 'The Ewy Treess were sett in Grafton Flyford churchyard Jan. 6. Anno Dom. 169 6/7', which makes them well over 300 years old. Carry on, through fields and lanes to Huddington and skirt around the grounds of Huddington Court. This large white house with prominent black beams is where the plans of the Gunpowder Plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605 were conceived. The house is surrounded by a moat. It is a private residence and is not open to the public. From there you head back into Crowle, finishing back at The Chequers Inn. If you prefer a shorter walk of about five miles, you could park in Froxmere Road and start the walk at Waymark 2 in the walk directions.

England - Central England - Worcestershire - Countryside


Ancient Monument, Pub, Stately Home, Woodland
5/23/2018 - Sandra Rowland

Regarding the last comment; John, I think what you must have done is go into the farmyard, rather than straight on. I've amended the instructions to say ignore the farm and carry straight on. I'm sorry you had problems with it. I hope you will try again, as I'm sure you will enjoy the rest of the walk. Again, my apologies for not making it clear. Sandra

5/21/2018 - John Ellis

We did this walk 13.5.18 but had great problems at point 7. Is the second gate at right angles to the drive? We could find no way marks either. Gave up in the end and retraced our steps.

5/9/2018 - Sandra Rowland

Walk has been updated by Sandra Rowland, 9 May 2018

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