Desert Rats Memorial - Shakers Wood - Highash Hill

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The 7th Armoured Division was stationed in Thetford Forest between January and May 1944 while they prepared for the invasion of Normandy. This was the only time the division was in the United Kingdom in its entire existence. The Division sailed from Felixstowe on 5th June 1944 with the first tanks landing on Gold Beach on the evening of 6th June. A memorial was built at the entrance to the camp in 1998.

Starting at the Desert Rats Memorial, the walk circles through the woods over easy and obvious paths, though the walker may need to negotiate the occasional fallen tree blocking the way. Even though the buildings used by the 7th Armoured Division are long gone, there are many informational signs posted, informing the walker of what used to be there during the Desert Rats' occupation of the camp in 1944.

This is also an ideal walk for wildlife enthusiasts - I spotted a muntjac deer and an adder. There are also reputed to be red squirrels in the woods, after being recently reintroduced, also a larger species of deer.

There are no facilities around the walk itself, but pubs and shops can be found in nearby Mundford.

England - East England - Norfolk - The Brecks


Ancient Monument, Birds, Mostly Flat, Nature Trail, Wildlife, Woodland