Dumglow and the Inneans from Loch Glow

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Lonely lochs and surprisingly rocky summits; this is one of the most varied hill walks in Fife, round the shores of Loch Glow and then a short but steep ascent to the summit of Dumglow, with fantastic views over the Forth Valley and Loch Leven, before descending through woodland to the two smaller peaks of the Inneans and Dummielarline.

The views and interesting hills make up for the somewhat tiresome underfoot conditions. This is a walk that requires suitable waterproof footwear and is best suited to summer or after hard frosts. It's not a walk for after spring or autumn rains. Walkers will need to be comfortable with navigating on pathless terrain, particularly in poor visibility.

Scotland - Central Scotland - Fife - Countryside


Ancient Monument, Birds, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Lake/Loch, Wildlife, Woodland
5/26/2015 - Richard Hardy

Walk amended following Tom and Joyce's kind update.

5/20/2015 - Tom and Joyce Kay

The walk produces the satisfaction indicated in the introduction. The combination of loch side, wet moorland, very steep but short grassy climbs and outstanding 360 degree views make the walk feel much more 'grown up' than would be expected in the area. At the end you have a sense of achievement similar to that on many high tops.

5/20/2015 - Tom and Joyce Kay

From Wpt 7 the heading is South East to the basic style at NT 080 963.

12/12/2014 - Richard Hardy

Considerable off lead walking, particularly out of the fishing season. Some livestock was encountered