Dursley - Waterley Bottom - Dingle Wood - Dursley

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Starting in Dursley, you head steeply uphill into woods. This is great for garlic and bluebells if you choose the right time of year. At the top, you can explore a sculpture trail. Otherwise (or afterwards), continue through more woodland above Waterley Bottom, then down to the 'bottom' itself. (Guess what it's like in wet weather!) Return is via the lower edge of another wood. There are great views in places.

England - South West England - Gloucestershire - Countryside


Flowers, Hills or Fells, Play Area, Toilets, Woodland
6/30/2017 - Charlie Bolton

Following this comment, I have re-walked and re-worked this. I have added a waymark to avoid the 'angry farmer'. I hope this helps!

5/8/2017 - R T Holmes

We attempted this walk today. It must be some time since the directions were written as the landscape has changed and they were extremely difficult to interpret. Shortly after waypoint 16 we were confronted by an angry farmer and turned back. The farmer was correct - there is no legitimate footpath between points 16 and 17 as described in the instructions and we had to abandon the walk. There are elements of this walk which are very good but it needs complete revision and a new, circuitous, route between points 16 and 17 included.

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