Eddlestow - Uppertown - Spitewinter - Kelstedge

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A walk which is a recent development for me, to make use of the little-used parking area at Eddlestow Lot. The route is easy to follow with only a few paths near Uppertown that are likely to become overgrown.

The route offers much of interest, with a good range of habitat and scenery. Just standing and watching in the more remote areas can offer rewards as the wildlife becomes less aware of your movement.

Much of the route is field-paths and green lane tracks, though some road-walking is required on quiet, narrow village roads. Only one farm had any obstructions with electric fences across the path and wire fencing across an open gateway; this was easily pushed aside to allow access to the path.

England - Central England - Derbyshire - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Great Views, Pub, Wildlife, Woodland
4/14/2021 - Pauline Inwood

This was a walk with excellent views although we had to cut the middle section out for reasons of time. The description in some places does not match what is now on the ground. At section 8,there is now a metal pedestrian gate, to the right of where the wooden stile was, in the corner of the field and leading directly onto the junction. Therefore at 9 cross the main road (ignoring Jaggers Lane) to the footpath sign. At 10, the stile has gone, replaced by a broken down wall. between here and 11 there are a couple of yellow topped marker posts. At 11, the saplings have grown into trees. At 12, don't cross the stream but turn right through the stile. At 16, go into the vehicle standing area to find the track to the left and not up the track to the farm buildings.

5/23/2012 - Walkingworld Admin

We are sorry to hear that Patricia had difficulties with this walk. If anyone else has navigational problems with it, can you please let us know, giving us as much detail as you can about where you went wrong, relating your description to the map. We provide the relevant section of Ordnance Survey map with each walk which you can print off and take with you. We strongly recommend that you do this for all walks. Adrian (Admin)

5/8/2012 - Patricia Elwell

We did this walk on Sunday and found it very confusing. We struggled to actually find the start point. The directions were too indepth, and were confusing. We got to points 32/33 and ended up going in the wrong direction, walking an extra 3 miles. It would have been better to put street names or clearer directions as it is confusing to follow. Quite a lot of the instructions were not needed. I do however, agree with the views on the walk, as it was a clear day, and we could see for miles.

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