Edzell - Gannochy - Rocks of Solitude - Gannochy - Edzell

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Starting in the picturesque village of Edzell, the walk follows a roadside footway to the Gannochy Bridge over the River North Esk as it passes through a deep sandstone gorge. By following the road on the north of the river leading to Tarfside and Glenesk, a footpath is accessed which follows the river through the gorge, again crossing the Gannochy Bridge and continuing along another footpath returning to Edzell, this time on the south bank of the river gorge. This is a well-visited and signposted walk with views of the gorge, river, animals and salmon leaps. An alternative, shorter walk is achieved by taking a local Edzell taxi to the upstream start at Waymark 5, a good idea for an evening walk when time is short.

Scotland - Northeast Scotland - Angus - Countryside


Birds, Great Views, River, Wildlife
2/6/2015 - Bob Sawers

I have waited two years to do this walk and I was not disappointed. The East Kilbride Mid Week Walking Group( 50 retired walkers) enjoyed this walk on a fine day in February,We started at the Panmure Hotel,(great coffee stop) Our route followed a good path to Gannochy bridge, by keeping to the river path then through the blue door. A wonderful trail then meandered up to the rocks of Solitude, I would recommend the lower route, very impressive path .After lunch at the car park area we walked the high route to Deelys Tower, from here we followed the burn to the bridge then returned by the outward route. We avoided the road section by following the river path. I would rate this as the finest river walk

7/3/2008 - Mary Murray

While the walk in the grounds of The Burn is a real beauty, I didn't enjoy the road part of this walk at all. The Edzell-Fettercairn road was very busy and even on the Glen road we encountered a couple of huge lorries. I wouldn't attempt it with a dog or children. There isn't much room for you if two cars are crossing on the Gannochy Bridge.     Better to leave the main street at the Post Office (walks sign on the wall). Walk up one side of the river, emerging at the side of the Gannochy Bridge opposite the blue door to the Burn grounds. After enjoying the Burn walk, return to the PO along the other bank of the river. The 'Shakkin Brig' allows you to cross. I was there on 30/06/08

1/11/2007 - Walkingworld Administrator

Walk checked and no changes required. January 2007.

12/15/2006 - Alex Shepherd

Just re-visited this walk a couple of weeks ago with a novice walker and all is still as the description. The river was high and kayakers were seen paddling the falls and the Burn House who own the path have added carvings of woodland creatures and toadstools along with additional signage.