Eglingham - Titlington Mount - Beanly Moor - Eglingham

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The walk, which is about 6.5 miles long, starts off in the pretty village of Eglingham and after tracking through some fields, ascends to the moors, affording good views. There is a short walk through two coniferous woods but mainly the walk is out in the wild. The chance to stand in the middle of a prehistoric fort may allow one's thoughts to wander back to more turbulent times. Views of the Cheviots and surrounding countryside take the mind off the hard surface of the metalled lane, a mile or so back to the start point.

England - North England - Northumberland - Countryside

6/26/2015 - Daniel Knox

Completed this walk on 24-06-15. The walk now follows mostly non-existent paths but is still walkable for the most part. Footpath markers have mostly disappeared. DO NOT enter the woods on beanly moss, it is described as a 'non existent path' but as most of the walk didn't have a path we thought that we would give it a go...Big mistake. The moss is quite scary. Sometimes at points swallowing me up to the waist. What we should have done at this point is followed the tree line around to meet up with the trail further on.

7/7/2011 - Walkingworld Administrator

Our thanks to Julia Ewart for her full update of this walk. July 2011. Adrian (Admin)

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23.6 Miles