El Hacho from the Moorish Town of Alora

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A pleasing walk through olive and almond groves and views over El Chorro and the Guadalhorce Valley to start with, but with a dramatic destination perched high above the Moorish town of Alora. The return journey is a decent (but easily manageable) gully descent.

The walk starts at the lively Cerveceria Bar Estrella, unfortunately rarely open during walking hours (don't worry, there are many others). After briefly climbing on tarmac road out of the town, the walk takes to a dirt track through farms of mostly olive and almond (occasional orange and lemon) with views across to El Chorro as you walk 'round the back' of the mountain. Early on you pass one of several local sites of historic interest, the 16th Century Sanctuary of Nuestra Senora de Flores. Also in this section, there are all kinds of wildlife described in Walkingworld walks.

The way back to town is through a gully that is at one point slightly but briefly steep though easily manageable. Once back in town you can enjoy the bustle of this fascinating place, take well-earned respite in one of many bars and restaurants, or you might like to link to part or all of the short walk 'The Views and Sites of Alora' (in preparation), particularly, having seen it so dramatically from the mountain-top, to visit the Moorish castle.

Spain - Southern Spain - Malaga - Malaga


Birds, Cafe, Food Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Restaurant, Wildlife
2/2/2020 - martin coxon

Point 8 - It is marked by an official Alora walk post but be aware it is not the easiest of 'paths' to walk down. A lot of loose rocks and it is slow going. Rest of the walk is very pleasant and if you don't mind getting a sweat on uphill. The views are worth it.

10/28/2014 - David and Chris Stewart

Dave and Sam's Memory-Map trackfile can also be downloaded from the Related Downloads section, entitled 4105trackAsbury.mmo. WW Admin

10/19/2014 - Dave and Sam Asbury

As described this is a pleasing walk and some excellent views. A couple of points. This first may well be our own fault. We came in by train and made our way through the maze of streets as we didn't fancy what looked like a busy road. This meant we joined the walk at a traffic island (which we think is possible what was the crossroads at one point - if not it's on route but not mentioned in any text). We feel the first sentence of waypoint 2 should really be part of wp1, because you reach the waypoint and then end up reading about what you just passed, or have to read slightly ahead all the time. (just our opinion) The dirt track mentioned in way point 2, is tarmac and has been for some time.it does become rougher, but we thought we'd missed it (particularly if you consider our other point). As mentioned the trains are hourly except for two 1.5 hour gaps which we managed to start and finish on. The return just meant spending time eating very nice tapas at the station, on the journey from Fuengirola to Alora it meant killing time at Victoriakent - not great. Definately get the Renfe timetable in advance. We hope the points are constructive and are not meant to sound negative - as we know how hard it can be to write a walk up. Our gps track (including our cock-ups can be seen here) http://www.mapmyride.com/workout/767025313