Falling Foss Forest Walk

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This walk guide was originally created by Graham Wilson but Walkingworld are very grateful for Phil Catterall to be taking over this route, February 2022.

When walking country was moulded, the North York Moors was given more than its fair share of beauty - it has views, wooded valleys, babbling streams and open heather moors to traverse. Most of the walk is easy going although it does climb out of and into valleys. This walk is a short and hilly circular walk taking in some of the best views, but also passing through some of our oldest woodlands. It uses tracks and bridleways, with only a short section on metalled roads.

The route begins at a marked car park, Waymark 01. Highlights include the picturesque area at the start of the walk; the sight of Falling Foss waterfall itself near the Tea Garden – you see a tall gushing waterfall with a beautiful old river-bridge situated within a wooded glade. You will traverse a stretch through open heather with the chance of seeing red grouse, with the final steep descent through the bracken into the valley where you started, offering even finer views of this area.

England - North England - Yorkshire - North York Moors


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Moor, River, Tea Shop, Toilets, Waterfall, Woodland
9/3/2016 - Hazel Pashby

Wish I had read previous comment. Ploughing through tall bracken with a dog under my arm was not nice. Take a machete.

9/3/2016 - Hazel Pashby

Great walk but I did it in 6th August and several sections were very difficult with bracken taller than me and the path obscured. Needed to part the bracken to see path and actually get through. This was difficult with my dog under one arm as even she, a border terrier, couldn't manage in parts. Suggest this is done in winter or early spring or Autumn when the bracken has died down, otherwise take a machete.

9/5/2005 - Steve Walker

Having attempted this walk on the 4th September it is quite different to the one described. The very first steps are nearly invisible due to the Bracken. Later in the walk where you need to take the "more obvious path" - the Bracken is now 7ft high and you maye be better with a scythe to clear the way!!

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