Farley Green - Winterfold - Shamley Green

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This is a pleasant walk initially through woodland and along fairly enclosed footpaths. It then proceeds some way along the Greensand Way, where there are extensive views towards Hascombe Hill to the south-west and the North Downs to the north.

England - South England - Surrey - Surrey Hills


Great Views, Hills or Fells, Woodland
1/30/2023 - Stephen Harris

Walked 30/01/2023. Directions and photographs still correct and relevant. This remains a firm favourite and with the chance to spot Christmas Trees growing at a Christmas Tree farm it's lovely anytime of the year. Very muddy in places 30/01/2023 so boots are a must. Lovely. 10/10

1/1/2022 - Stephen Harris

Walked 23/10/21. A lovely walk through really nice woodland with great variety throughout and some lovely views in places. Particularly enjoyed the sunken path and then the section where you walk through an area with boards to keep you dry!. Can't recommend this one highly enough. It's superb!. 10/10. We have updated the pics for WW and the directions are now up to date as of 26.10.21 Thanks Norm!

3/17/2021 - Walkingworld Admin

A big thank you from Walkingworld to Steve Harris and Liz for all their recent updates and great new photos on this walk.

10/31/2020 - Walkingworld Admin

With huge thanks to Steve and Liz for their great updates, October 2020.

5/1/2010 - Jenifer Finnigan

Enjoyed this walk, but walk it after a dry spell. Bluebells were stunning between WP11 & 12 and also primroses and violets. At WP14 we diverted into Shamley Green for lunch at The Red Lion PH on the green. Friendly atmosphere, good food and a garden to sit in with the dog.

5/6/2008 - Norman Lavender

WP02 - The left fork is partially blocked off but still passable. If in doubt take the right fork and then turn left at the major intersection to arrive at waypoint 4. WP06 - If you should opt to take the higher path as in my previous comment (I am not sure that I agree with Stephen that the original route is more fun!), you will look down to your right to the right fork mentioned in this waypoint. However if you continue straight on past a stile and turn right you can get back to the desired path. WP13 - Very muddy just before this waypoint despite a week of hot, dry weather.

3/12/2006 - Stephen Harris

A nice walk through fairly enclosed tracks and paths. Muddy in sections but challenging and we would suggest you follow the route rather than diverting as it's more FUN!. Not a great deal to see but good distance (not too long or short). Best walked during Summer when the weather is warm as in the winter it is a little barren. 6/10.

2/10/2006 - Norman Lavender

WP05 Rather than following the sunken path (which can get very muddy), go a little way beyond the intersection and take the footpath immediately to the right. This path follows the sunken path but is more comfortable walking on higher ground.

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