Farndon - Churton - River Dee - Farndon
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Most of the route for this circular walk is along well used footpaths which pass through a wide variety of scenery. It is best walked in the spring or summer when the route is very popular and leaves are on the trees and the paths are not slippery. Departing from Farndon you also pass round the old church to a short lane which becomes a footpath through cultivated fields and along the edge of a big new housing estate.
There are no steep slopes and most of the route is fairly level and there is a short but pleasant section of planted woodland just before you arrive at the river. On your return towards Farndon you will pass through meadows alongside the river which are easy walking, you will also climb over the only stile on the walk. In summer some fields may have cows in them so take a fending walking stick with you just in case they get too nosey. This walk includes instructions for walkers from moored river boats.
The walk is suitable for children, teenagers, senior citizens and anyone in-between. Excellent for dogs, but hopeless for wheelchairs and buggies. Suitable footwear will be strong trainers or stout shoes - anything flat soled but boots will be best in winter when the worn footpaths will be a little muddy and quite slippery in places especially if there has recently been heavy rain. There should be no problems for anyone wearing shorts.
On your route there are shops and refreshments in Farndon at the start and finish of the walk. There is a toilet block, picnic tables and bench seats by Farndon Bridge. Elsewhere on the route there is only the scenery and possibly wildlife. If you book in advance you should be able to get a good meal and a drink at the hotel; an excellent finish to a good walk.
England - North England - Cheshire - River Walk
Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Good for Kids, Great Views, Mostly Flat, Pub, Public Transport, River, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
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