Farrington Gurney - Litton Lake - Litton and Back

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Farrington Gurney - Hollow Marsh Reserve - Litton Lake - Litton and Back

From the farm shop, take the footpath out of the village, spotting the curiously disassociated church. Cross the A37 onto a quiet lane, which becomes greener the further you go. Pass through a nature reserve and fields and a common before reaching Litton Lakes. Return via more fields and woodland.

England - South West England - Bristol - Avon Valley


Great Views, Restaurant, Woodland
6/3/2012 - Toby Broadhead

As an alternative to waiting until the end to eat and drink, at step 16, instead of turning left uphill, go straight along the bottom of the field and through the gate, turn left and a few yards along the road is the rear entrance to the Kings Arms. After leaving the pub via the same entrance turn right and follow the road around, taking the left fork where the road branches. Walk up the hill (past Litt Hill Cottage) and rejoin the walk at step 17. Instructions easy to follow, apart from the final step 23. We followed up until "keep to top edge, wood on your right", then however, we crossed another stile and field, before pushing through some foliage to an unlocked gate. We went through the gate and the houses mentioned were now visible. We then crossed another field and then found the kissing gate mentioned.

6/3/2012 - Stuart Roberts

We did this walk a few weekends ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. We took a very slight diversion in Litton to take refreshments in the beer garden of the Kings Arms.

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