Framlingham - Bruisyard - Cransford - Framlingham

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The countryside in central Suffolk is English farming territory at its best: gently undulating, a mixture of grassland and arable, woods and river meadows. This walk has them all and loops out from the town past the impressive castle walls before visiting the hamlets of Bruisyard and Cransford. The section of tarmac leading to Bruisyard is quiet and picturesque, so does not detract in any way. The stream crossed a couple of times is the Alde, further downstream to become navigable as it approaches Aldeburgh on the coast.

England - East England - Suffolk - Countryside


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Castle, Mostly Flat, River, Wildlife, Woodland
9/21/2018 - Malcolm Watts

The description has now been completely rewritten, with 24 rather than 14 waypoints and a focus on the areas rightly criticised earlier. The start has been rerouted via the castle, but is on a public footpath, so no ticket is needed. Take care just beyond and follow the walk steps exactly, as it looks very different under Summer foliage or Winter bareness. The section after Waypoint 21 (formerly Waypoint 13) is always going to need care and some navigation confidence, as it quickly becomes overgrown by crops in the Summer.

7/25/2018 - Malcolm Watts

Sorry for the negative experience, but thanks for the feedback. I'll take another look at the route asap and rewrite as required. The section just after the castle is fairly difficult to describe as there are a number of very similar tracks close together, but I'll see what can be done. The section after Waypoint 13 is, as mentioned in the notes, going to be challenging if there are crops, as I suspect that bit gets very little footfall and so becomes overgrown quickly. A 25k map is pretty essential, I think, the standard map on the app isn't detailed enough, especially as some ad hoc and possibly unauthorised variations are evident. Maybe a walk for Spring or Autumn ?

7/10/2018 - Alan and Jackie Bennett

Our first negative walk but just had to be done I'm afraid. Walked today 10/7/18. Confusing directions from the very start but using the map on the App managed just about. As the walk went on directions were poor, signs missing but worst of all farmers fields allowed to cover paths. Not particularly dog friendly as lots of lanes but these became essential to navigate back. Ended up doing 19k and would bit attempt again whatever the time of year. ??