Framlingham - Saxtead - Saxtead Green - Apsey Green - Framlingham

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Starting in a free car park close to Framlingham town centre and with views of The Mere, college and church, you pass through the the area around The Mere with views of wildfowl and then the magnificent castle. After a short stretch through the college sports ground, you then follow the tiny River Ore for some way.

Emerging at Saxtead, you continue on field-paths to Saxtead Green, then use more field-paths until you follow an ancient highway (Earl Soham Lane - now a green track).

Back at Framlingham you have a number of options to shorten the walk, but the best choice by far is to continue back to the castle entrance, then descend by its moat and mound, passing through the nature reserve around The Mere once more to return to your start point.

England - East England - Suffolk - Countryside


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Castle, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Good for Kids, Great Views, Lake/Loch, Mostly Flat, Museum, Nature Trail, Play Area, Pub, Restaurant, River, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife
10/10/2020 - Sarah Green

Lovely walk on a cool October day. Really good view of the castle at the start too. Lots of 'claggy' fields to negotiate but tracks visible on all so easy to follow. At Waypoint 17 the housing estate is well established now and the once good view over the church and town has been unfortunately obliterated.

7/8/2015 - ALAN CALLOW

Recently did this walk & quite a number of the paths were fairly difficult to walk due to being overgrown - obviously we realise that a certain amount of this is due to the time of year. The worst situation was the paths in the rapeseed fields - we battled through 3 but were beaten by the 4th! Care what time of year you do this walk.

6/30/2013 - Matthew Moss

Nice walk, but important update, at WP11, there is a newly built house (not occupied yet, still a building site) and you really need to find your way behind the house, go to the far left to find the gap in the hedge. Got us confused for a good few minutes!

9/17/2008 - Walkingworld Administrator

Thank you to Adrian Perkins for the updates on this walk, September 2008.

10/19/2006 - Brian and Anne Sandland

The playing field seemed to us preferable to the road, which can be quite busy and fast. Sorry about the confusion at WM 4. The walk is, nevertheless, well worth the effort and we hope Phillip will try it again some time. Anne and Brian Sandland.

10/17/2006 - Philip Robinson

Unsure why there is a need to cross the playing fields at way point 2 & 3 as you walk 3/4 the way around the field when keeping to the road would be a lot less confusing! At point 4 when turning right at the oak tree, the hedge is on the left and the wire fence on the right. The desciption appears to be the wrong way round. Didn't complete the walk due to these frustrations!