Garn Fawr - Pembrokeshire Coast Path - Strumble Head

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Garn Fawr car park - Garn Fawr - Pembrokeshire Coast Path - Strumble Head - Car Park

This area of the Pembrokeshire Coast Path is among the most wild and windswept. It is always windy around the Strumble Lighthouse. However, although it is not an easy section, the views are superb and there are always rewards for birdwatchers. We saw swallows there on April 1st, well before anywhere else.

Wales - South Wales - Pembrokeshire - Coast


Birds, Flowers, Great Views, Sea
8/26/2013 - Patricia Daw

24.8.13Fantastic views to be enjoyed on this well directed walk. We parked at Strumble Head and did the walk away from the coast first. Quite a lot of up and downing in this walk. The effort to get to the trig point was worth it.