Geal-Charn, A' Mharconaich and Beinn Udlamain

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To the west of the Drumochter Pass on the A9 sits a group of four Munros. This route takes you round a scenic circuit of ridges linking three of these peaks. The fourth peak can be added by using the route in Walk 6223, see the Additional Information section below.

The walk starts from a car park beside the A9, crosses the railway line on a level-crossing and then climbs Geal Charn's north-east ridge to reach the first summit, where you have a great view down into Loch Ericht and across to Ben Alder. Descend the southern ridge from Geal Charn to the bealach above Coire Fhar and then contour round above Fraoch Choire to join a well-worn path leading to the summit of Beinn Udlamain. Return to the meeting point of the paths and then continue north-east to the summit of A' Mharconaich.

A 4km descent along the north-east ridge of A' Mharconaich provides amazing views as it leads you back to the car park.

Scotland - Highlands and Islands - Highland - Drumochter



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