Hanley Swan - Malvern Wells

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Against the backdrop of the Malvern Hills, this route is in a very lovely part of Worcestershire. Beginning at the country church just north of Hanley Swan, footpaths and bridleways are taken to Malvern Wells, the resting place of Sir Edward Elgar. It is easy to see why his beloved native landscape inspired some of his musical genius, so highly regarded by the nation.

The last part of the circuit takes in Hanley Swan Village with its huge duckpond, the central attraction standing opposite The Swan pub, an inviting place of charming character.

England - Central England - Worcestershire - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, Wildlife, Woodland
7/20/2020 - Sally Williams

Lovely walk. Was 8 on my Fit bit.... A couple of stiles are now new gates. After the walk through Pony Paddock, when you walk the other side of hedge, take left hand stile with open gateway, past houses. This is where it gets a tad confusing. Turn left when you reach the lane. Walk across the common where you reach the main road. Turn left on this busy road. There is no footpath walk along road. Pass footpath. After a few yards you see bridleway. This takes you past a row of oak trees. The road is quite busy. This is the hardest bit to navigate. Otherwise fab walk. And great pub at the end.

3/23/2015 - Judy White

This walk is one of three Walking World walks that we did while on holiday in Great Malvern for a week (the others were 1939 and 2437). We walked from where we were staying, so joined it at point 8 and left at point 5. It was a very enjoyable walk through fairly flat countryside and with good views of the nearby hills. It was easy to follow and generally good underfoot, although there was a very muddy gateway between points 11 and 12, near Hill View Stud.

12/15/2008 - Walkingworld Administrator

Just goes to show what an enjoyable and easy walk this is - we calculate the walk at just over 7.2 miles (11.5 kms) according to the Memory-Map overlay.

12/14/2008 - Susan Waring

This is a very pleasant walk, easy to follow, with great views of the Malvern hills and a nice pub opposite the duck pond just before the end. The distance of the walk seemed to be nearer to 5.1/2 than 7 miles

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