Harlington - Sharpenhoe - Pulloxhill

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This walk has history and excellent countryside with panoramic views.
Harlington was where John Bunyan was arrested for leading a religious meeting at a nearby farmhouse and taken to Harlington House. After interrogation he was imprisoned for holding unauthorised religious gatherings. He was given a 12-year sentence at Bedford County Gaol where he began writing The Pilgrim's Progress. The early 14th Century parish church of Harlington has a small stained glass window depicting scenes from the book.
From Sharpenhoe the walk is called The Bunyan Trail, so you are walking in the steps of one of the great men of history.
The walk goes through grazing and agricultural land with little patches of woodland.
Waymarks 1 to 2 give wonderful views to the south of the plain and the Sundon Hills and Sharpenhoe Clappers. Later one can look back at Harlington spread along the ridge to the north. From Sharpenhoe the water tower on Pulloxhill stands out very clearly to assist navigation, but disappears as one gets closer. From Pulloxhill there are fine views to the north and the south. The walk is full of interest.

England - Central England - Bedfordshire - Countryside


Church, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, Public Transport, Toilets
6/15/2009 - Kirstie Brown

This is a lovely walk, just one thing when you go through the church, you need to turn right to find the pubs. The Chequers and further down the Cross Keys. Way Mark 10. If you turn left you will continue on your walk.

8/27/2007 - Peter Williams

Chequers pub, at Pulloxhill (Waymark 10) seems to be open every weekday lunchtime and all day Saturday and Sunday

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