Haughton Moss - Bunbury - Haughton Moss

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A walk starting and finishing at The Nag's Head at Haughton Moss and taking in country lanes and fields.

England - North England - Cheshire - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Pub, Wildlife
7/26/2020 - Julie Miller

Poor directions. Not specific. Got lost twice and ended up a 7 mile walk instead of 5 miles...climbing over hedges and in ditches. Have done many of these walks before with no issues. Would be a nice walk if directions were clear and didn’t have to walk through 3 fields of cows and bulls !!! Be aware, careful and carrying some form of GPS and running shoes if you want to get home in 2 hours !!!

7/26/2020 - Julie Miller

Poor directions. Not specific. Got lost twice and ended up a 7 mile walk instead of 5 miles...climbing over hedges and in ditches. Have done many of these walks before with no issues. Would be a nice walk if directions were clear and didn’t have to walk through 3 fields of cows and bulls !!! Be aware, careful and carrying some form of GPS and running shoes if you want to get home in 2 hours !!!

8/5/2012 - Peter Carvill

Beautiful walk.

2/28/2008 - Peter Gordon

Haughton is the correct spelling that appears throughout this walk.

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