Hindon - Wessex Ridgeway - Tisbury - Greenwich

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Hindon - Wessex Ridgeway - West Hatch - Tisbury - Greenwich

The Wessex Ridgeway runs through the village of Hindon and you join it here. Starting at The Lamb, walk south along the wide tree-lined street, then turn right at the crossroads by a stream and the children's playground. From here you will continue to follow the footpaths and byways over the high ground with good views over the countryside, before passing through woods with many ancient chalk or flint pits. The Ridgeway is followed all the way to the tiny village of West Hatch before leaving it for the equally small villages of East Hatch and Tucking Mill, to bypass Tisbury and then pass through Fonthill Gifford and Greenwich. While passing through the village of Fonthill Gifford you will see what used to be the estate workers' houses, probably for Fonthill Abbey. After Greenwich you will pass over the long hill known as The Terraces. Apart from having a now disused railway along the ridge and a tunnel you will pass through, this land appears to have been terraced for agriculture many years ago.

England - South England - Wiltshire - Countryside


Great Views, Pub, Woodland
7/10/2013 - Trevor samuels

Did this walk on a hot day 29th June. We decided to get train to Tisbury and start at waypoint 22, very easy to join the route here. This route has probably not been used for a while as in certain areas very over grown, not good if wearing shorts. Would really like to do again if tidied up and the Pub at the original start is really good. We took the short cut mentioned but still managed to walk 10 miles due to missing a waypoint.

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