Homersfield - St Cross South Elmham - Wortwell - Homerfield

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At Waymark 1 you cross the oldest concrete bridge in Britain. Built in 1878 by Sir Robert Adair, later Lord Waveney, his armorial bearings are displayed on the bridge.

The first village through which this route passes, Homersfield, was once named 'Humbresfelda' and owned by a man named Hunbeorht who was the last East Anglian Bishop before the Danes arrived. Romano-British kilns and pottery sheds have been found here. Today, there is a very active kiln at Valley Barn. Clive Davies designs and makes his pottery, which is much sought-after.

At Waymark 2, on the green, is a 15-foot high wooden carved structure, built and designed by Mark Goldesworth of Bungay and erected in the year 2000.

At Waymark 4, Atlas Agregates with English Nature have constructed this conservation area; the lake has many waterfowl. The blue-grey chalk clay was formed by a vast ice sheet half a million years ago.

At Waymark 14 The Bell in Wortwell was once a busy stagecoach stop taking passengers to London.

England - East England - Suffolk - Countryside


Birds, Church, Great Views, Lake/Loch, Play Area, Pub, River, Toilets
3/5/2023 - MILES BOSTOCK

We walked this on 04/03/2023 Way mark12 :The bridge's at the mill are all open and OK to cross. Way mark 10: the sign for downes farm is at a cross road and sits at the left(you turn right)here. Way mark 14: opposite the pub turn right and follow the pavement all the way round to the right walking for about half a mile till see cottages and white railings.

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