Inverey (Braemar) – Carn Liath - Inverey

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Starting at a car park in the Hamlet of Inverey, west of Braemar, the walk follows a small stream alongside grassy banks. The vegetation soon turns to heather clad hills and the walk rises gradually up a narrow valley for some time. At the end of this track there is a less well-defined path that rises much more steeply to take you to the cairn at the top of Carn Liath.
From here there is a well-defined track along a more gently undulating ground to two other cairns. After reaching Carn na Moine, the track then starts to descend. For most of the time the path is well defined, but there is a small stretch of about a couple of hundred metres where it becomes boggy and ill defined. (Look out for a large boulder at about 076882 as this marks the start of a better path). After this a good well-made track leads on downwards through woodland back to the car park.

Scotland - Northeast Scotland - Aberdeenshire - Cairngorms


Great Views, Hills or Fells, Moor, Mountains, Wildlife, Woodland
6/3/2012 - Colin Young

I had been concerned about finding the track back from the summit of Carn Liath but you just need to walk a few metres north towards the Cairngorms and the track appears. It is a little used landrover track and can be clearly seen snaking off in the distance. When I walked in early June the possible boggy area was pretty dry and the path - although less clear - could be easily followed. A bleached fence post gives a general indication of direction but is NOT on the path. The panoramic view from the summit of Carn Liath is fantastic. The whole south side of the Cairngorms is laid out to the north with the Angus hills to the south. South west you look down Glen Tilt and beyond. It is worth doing this walk for the view alone!