Kingsclere - Ecchinswell - Old Burghclere - Kingsclere

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'The Hampshire Heights' Walk:

Kingsclere - Ecchinswell - Old Burghclere - Hannington - Kingsclere

This is a glorious walk of wide, upland views from the breezy North Hampshire Downs. Our walk starts from the attractive village or small town of Kingsclere, visits the lovely village of Ecchinswell, traverses the manicured Sydmonton Estate of Lord (Andrew) Lloyd Webber, next climbs steadily to Ladle Hill (768ft), joins the Wayfarer's Walk Long-distance Footpath and crosses the switchback hills and downs, diverting to Hampshire's highest village of Hannington, then recrosses the downs to return to Kingsclere.

There are two pubs en route with several more in Kingsclere.

There are chalkland wildflowers in their season and you are practically certain to see buzzards over the downs. Expect also to see plenty of rabbits - author Richard Adams stayed in Shepherd's Cottage whilst writing 'Watership Down'.

England - South England - Hampshire - North Downs


Birds, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Play Area, Pub, Toilets, Wildlife
3/8/2016 - paul moon

Completed this walk on mothering Sunday 2016, Fantastic walk thank you, first low part of walk quite muddy but no real problems, The dog was pretty much off the lead for the whole of the walk just put her on the lead on roads and near live stock but great walk with amazing views.

6/17/2014 - Mike Stevenson

Completed this walk on a lovely sunny day in June. The directions were easy to follow although at wp4 there is no kissing gate (or sign of one) when the path meets the field and no path across field. All you need to do is take 5 or 6 steps to the right and find a well worn path around the field edge behind the fallen tree. Continue walking around the field edge, turning right at the end of the field to find the wooden post on the left leading to the farm buildings and wp5. Also the Swan hotel and Crown pub in Kingsclere are both closed for refurbishment (no re-opening dates given) leaving just the George and Horn.

6/4/2009 - Walkingworld Administrator

With thanks to Andrew Long, this walk was updated June 2009.

4/29/2008 - Philip Duke

The RoW at waypoints 14/15 have changed. At meeting the minor road ignore bridleway sign and follow fp sign to left of metal gate. Path goes left and runs parallel with the road for 100m, and then follows the field edge (farmer has left generous margins)for about 1/2 mile to meet a larger crossing track. Turn left here and this leads to waymark 16.

8/19/2005 - Sally Longhorn

18.08.05 - Sally Longhorn: At waymark 15/16 at Walkeridge Farm to avoid walking through a growing crop carry on down left-hand edge of field to corner and turn left immediately after kissing gate (just off map ) to rejoin walk on rising grass path.

5/8/2005 - Alan Lamport

A great walk with wonderful views. but the footpath that is signposted at waymark 15 isn't there. I checked on my map and on my GPS and the signpost is missing for that path.

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