Lacock - Nocketts Hill - Naish Hill - Bewley Common - Lacock

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Lacock - the Old Canal - Nocketts Hill - Naish Hill - Bewley Common - Lacock

You start from Lacock, which has everything you need in costume drama central, including a WW2 re-enactment when we were there. Head out across charming local countryside to an old canal which has being receiving some attention in recent times (there is more water than the map suggests!).

You leave the canal after a while to strike out through more fields and bits of wood, to turn almost back on yourself. Climb to get some decent views. You actually pass a hill-fort, but we didn't identify it, before further fields take you through an estate and you head downhill back towards Lacock. More fields return you to the start.

LATE SUMMER 2022 - walk amended to take into account of canal having more water in it, and route over changing slightly.

England - South England - Wiltshire - Countryside


Cafe, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Great Views, National Trust, Tea Shop, Toilets
11/9/2022 - Charlie Bolton

Walk updated in 2022. Temporary route across canal is no more, and route goes over bridge. This comment will mean nothing to anyone reading this because the evidence of the old route has been removed….

2/19/2015 - Iestyn Roberts

Waymark 29. The OS map is wrong, the path does not descend through the centre of the field but (as the written description states) goes around the edge of the field.