Lea - Holloway - Dethick

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This is an exhilarating walk through a wide variety of Derbyshire scenery, passing through rich woodland at various heights, giving glorious panoramic views over the surrounding countryside.

Passing through Coombs Wood in the spring will be enhanced by the sight of the abundance of bluebells - a sight to be seen! Alas the downside is a short but steep hillside in the middle of this fine display, however the glory of it all makes up for it tenfold. On the way we cross a picturesque set of stepping-stones in a delightful dell.

Further on we pass the unusual Dethick Church which can be visited (key at farm next door). Continuing, we pass close by Florence Nightingale’s ex-home of Lea Hurst, seen as we go through an enclosed deer and llama park (80% chance of seeing these close up). To end the walk we follow the Cromford Canal for a while. This is a serene area, although the A6 traffic can be heard through the trees; and so back to the car.

England - Central England - Derbyshire - Peak District


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, Public Transport, River, Wildlife, Woodland
1/12/2013 - Sid Marks

A demanding walk at the start due to a few very steep climbs, but later on in the walk it flattens out becoming a very nice peaceful walk. At waymark 10,we encountered about 5 bulls in the field, take care here as one of them became a bit irate as we passed through. At waymark 18,Manor farm is on the right after the waymarked path, not opposite on the left as stated. The "To Lea sign" on the wall, is hidden by overgrown ivy.GPS readings came out as 6 miles for this walk.

3/22/2012 - William Taylor

The route along the canal at waymark 37 is back to normal with a splendid new aquaduct. There is a slight amendment at 38. When you reach the house on the left the path has been diverted to the left just after the house to join the road back to Lea Bridge. (A walker we met there was grumbling about an illegal diversion). William Taylor

8/12/2011 - Sue Burgess

The walk was excellent and very varied. However from now until Dec 2011 the canal towpath is closed for construction work. There are signs up with big blue arrows that my husband and I dutifully ignored! However it was relevant. If you do this walk. Do not go through the Llama park but follow the blue arrows to High Peak junction. We also parked in the High Peak junction car park (£3 all day). The diversion signs lead you to the road where the car park is, just walk down the hill for 5 minutes. You would have missed the canal. However if you follow the signs to the information centre/toilets across the bridge from the car park you will get to the canal and it is really pretty.

5/30/2011 - David Maycock

Our first walk since joining Walkingworld. We took our two dogs and they loved it, very dog friendly. We got lost once (our fault) so we managed to add another mile onto the total. Hope all the other walks are as good as this one. David.

5/2/2011 - SIMON WALL

We walked it today in perfect weather. A truly stunning walk at this time of year (start of May). Very Good *****

1/30/2011 - Caroline Johnson

Lovely walk, easy to follow and very enjoyable on a sunny, frosty day. Obvious that some parts could have been very muddy and the steep hill would have been very difficult to climb if wet underfoot. Mostly dog-friendly but a couple of the stone stiles were too narrow for our labrador and he needed heaving over the top. Small dogs should have no problems.

7/31/2006 - Martin Cobham

Excellent walk enjoyed by all the family. Not surprisingly, the sunken path is often a muddy stream for which walking boots are advisable.

6/3/2004 -

Very enjoyable walk - easy to follow instructions - 2 pubs on route!!

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