Llanthony Wood CP - Gaer Ridge - Twyn y Gaer - Car Park

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The Black Mountains are situated on rhe border between Wales and England. The area is often likened to the fingers of a hand as there are ridges running north to south, with lovely valleys between. These five walks explore some of the eastern flanks of the Black Mountains. Some walks start in England and some in Wales: Walk 4536 is rural, 4537 takes in a church and a river, 4538 is a good climb while 4539 uses a number of long-distance paths.

By using a forestry parking area this walk, 4531, starts fairly high. The outward route is a gentle climb with spectacular views up the Llanthony Valley. There are lovely views of 'out-of-square' Cwmyoy Church nestling on the flanks of Hatteral Ridge. After a short sharp climb, the return route is along Gaer Ridge with a visit to Twyn y Gaer, a hill-fort.

Wales - South Wales - Monmouthshire - Black Mountains


Ancient Monument, Birds, Flowers, Great Views, Mountains, Wildlife, Woodland
10/29/2014 - Tony Dandridge

Great little quiet walk in the black mountains, I was searching for walks that were All Terrain Pushchair friendly, this is not, although it is good for dogs (a couple of fields with sheep but mostly clear). A couple of very minor points relating to the route itself; firstly on the initial section, there are numerous yellow footpath signs off to the left, the one on the instructions is an older signpost and difficult to miss. Secondly point 4 is a little ambiguous as there are a number of paths similar and in mist it was a little confusing... at the junction turn right, after about 100m there is the option of right to the fort or continuing on for the shorter walk. As for the view from Gaer Ridge, I'll take your word for it https://www.flickr.com/photos/tonydandridge/15473442998/in/photostream/

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