Malpas and Tushingham

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This relatively gentle walk is made easier by the fact that much of it follows a bridleway, the Bishop Bennet Way, with gates rather than stiles. Cheshire CC has also been following its policy of replacing stiles with kissing-gates, but there are a few left. An attraction of the walk is the old church of St Chad at Tushingham, in the middle of a field and with its horse-drawn hearse in its coach house. There are good views across to Wales in particular.

England - North England - Cheshire - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Castle, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Great Views, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant
3/16/2021 - Gill Pittilla-Frost

Did this walk 15/03/2021 Great walk got a bit lost on Waymark 18/19, after visiting St Chads. Coming half-way back from the path you came in on, there's a gate in the hedge taking you across the field, to the road junction. Very muddy in parts, start is mainly road, but otherwise fine. Would be perfect on a summer's day. Take plenty of water.

11/11/2019 - keith evans

A nice walk on 8th November 2019. Very muddy after plenty of rain for the past two days.

9/29/2013 - Graham Moss

Walked on the 28/09/13 no problems with navigation but plenty of cows in the fields! At Waypoint 14 (by the black and white house) instead of going straight on you can turn right and walk down to the lane where you will find an excellent pub (the Blue Bell Inn). From here you can walk up the lane to rejoin the walk at Waypoint 16.

8/5/2012 - Peter Carvill

Lovely secluded walk. No problems finding our way.

3/17/2012 - David Thrift

A nice gentle walk through the beautiful Cheshire countryside. The route is well marked, and easy to follow. The old church is fascinating, and standing in the graveyard looking through the garage window at the horse-drawn hearse, not used since the 1920's, is just a touch spooky!

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