Maunsel Space Walk - Taunton - Thurloxton - Maunsel

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We walk a few hundred metres along the Bridgewater and Taunton Canal to Higher Maunsel Lock, where we encounter the huge orb of the sun. Scaled for size and distance, the planets are then represented by markers stretching to Taunton. The Inner Planets are passed within a few minutes, Jupiter not far after, but then we begin to feel that they forgot to put the rest in, or they have mysteriously vanished, when we encounter Uranus and Neptune. Poor little Pluto is tucked away at the foot of a bridge to a supermarket, practically in the centre of Taunton.

The return follows the canal for a short distance, then swings away through farms and villages, where the paths may be overgrown and net curtains twitch at the sound of your boots on their gravel drives. Several rights of way hereabouts pass through private gardens. We cross the busy A38, encounter a PYO fruit and vegetable farm and tunnel our way under the M5, before our expedition reaches its final destination, the start.

England - South West England - Somerset - River Walk