Meall Odhar - Glas Maol - Creag Leacach

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This varied walk offers an ascent of two Munros and two tops that are connected by a high-level ridge traverse. The Gaelic names of Glas Maol and Creag Leacach give a clue to the terrain, being translated as 'greenish-grey bare hill' and 'slabby rock'.

Glas Maol offers fine views and is amongst the most accessible Munros. It overlooks one of the most popular skiing areas in Scotland. Even in summer, traces of old snow cornice may linger above Glas Choire. The boundaries of three old counties - Aberdeenshire, Perthshire and Angus - lie close to the top of Glas Maol.

The ridge leading to Creag Leacach is rocky and somewhat narrower than the broad ridges that are typical in this part of the Grampians. A stone wall runs along much of the ridge and provides a convenient handrail feature. The linear summit of Creag Leacach contrasts with the dome and plateau of Glas Maol.

Caenlochan National Nature Reserve lies to the east of Glas Maol. It is one of Britain`s richest sites for rare alpine-arctic flora. Red grouse and mountain hares abound. Birds of prey hunt the area and you may see sub-arctic birds.

Scotland - Northeast Scotland - Perth and Kinross - Countryside


Birds, Great Views, Mountains, Munro
3/31/2017 - Richard Hardy

Great walk for dogs, except in nesting season - well written up and great views The first bothy that Mike Taylor mentions was locked when we were walking last weekend - I suspect it is only open during ski season

9/26/2008 - Mike Taylor

There are two shelters on this route. Midway between Waypoints 2 and 3 there is a wooden shed type of bothy anchored to the ground to stop it blowing away. Inside it has nice tables and chairs, a gas heater and a visitors book. On the east side of the wall near the col referred to in Waypoint 5 there is a dry stone version of an igloo with a turf covering on the roof. It is very basic but at a squeeze would hold 4 people, it is on a very exposed ridge and could be a life saver. Mike Taylor.