Minwear Forest and Cleddau Dhu

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An easy walk on mostly good paths, suitable for all the family. There are plenty of birds in the woodland and also on the Cleddau.

The walk is very varied as it follows the Landsker Borderlands Trail for most of the outward route. There are usually kingfishers on the river and large salmon can be seen under Blackpool Bridge nearby. There are good views from the viewpoint in the forest.

There are many waymarked paths in these woods and in the spring a large variety of birds can be seen, both woodland and water birds. This walk will inspire you to explore the area even more.

Wales - South Wales - Pembrokeshire - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Gift Shop, Great Views, River, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
6/25/2019 - Bryony Pearson

I have added amendments at the beginning of the walk. The Mill is closed so it's best to park at the Forestry car park near where waypoint 3 should be. In addition, there were no views as it was thickly wooded, we had one brief glimpse of the river! The drovers path very overgrown and a fallen tree to climb over. All in all, not our favourite walk.