Ojacastro and the Vanished Villages

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Leaving Ojacastro, we walk initially in a SW direction, climbing gradually in open country. Soon we curve NW and continue to follow the valley to reach the abandoned village of Amunartia. Having crossed the stream we continue NW, now climbing steeply in much closer country. Later we reach a ridge in open country again to reach the site of the hamlet Matalturra (now completely disappeared). Soon afterwards we will reach the ruined hamlet of Zabarrula, where a refuge hut makes a good lunch place. Moving on, we now enter a huge forest of beech and other trees and pass a famous old tree signed 'The Haya La Hiedra'. Later we emerge from the forest to follow an open, grassy track past the site of the old tile-making ovens (signed) and thence back to Ojacastro.

Spain - North East Spain - La Rioja - Sierra Demanda


Ancient Monument, Great Views, Restaurant, Wildlife, Woodland
5/13/2022 - Jim Arymar

It was a real pleasure to re-walk this stunning hike in May 2022. There are no navigational changes and it is good to see that the signing has much improved. I have amplified general information and improved some of the step directions. I hope you enjoy this one as much as we do.