Overton - Source of the Test - Hannington - Overton

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This a circular walk based around the beautiful Test Valley. The theme of this route is getting away from it all. A combination of well-trodden paths and lesser-used tracks take the explorer into countryside where only a breeze in the trees, birds singing and sheep grazing break the peaceful silence. Along the way there are gorgeous thatched houses to admire, quaint old churches steeped in history, wide open field views and dense woodland to navigate.

The village of Hannington has a great pub for refreshments and is approximately halfway through the walk. Overton is a small town and hosts a selection of small shops and pubs.

Walkingworld would like to thank Julian Holt for originally contributing this walk route and also thanks to Richard Clayton who has now agreed to take care of this walk guide. August 2019.

England - South England - Hampshire - Countryside

2/22/2021 - Neil Packham

Remarkably tranquil throughout; this really lives up to its billing. No cattle were encountered at WM9. Cutting out the Hannington leg by turning left on to the bridleway at WM13 and following the quiet lanes to WM22 makes an 8.2 mile alternative route.

5/12/2018 - d c

At points 9 and 10 fields full of very frisky and aggressive looking bovines. Farmer here appears un-fussed by walkers and their safety. Ended up on the roads as a result . Nice pub at Hannington saved the day.

12/11/2011 - Peter Harper

Thanks for listing a great walk Julian. We started from The Vine (shortly after waypoint 17) having got permission earlier in the week to park there when I booked a table for lunch. A further clue to what the factory at waypoint 24 makes is the high fences and barbed wire that surrounds it. I won't give the game away, but you've probably got some of their products in your wallet!

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