Picasso Way, Part 3: Gosol – Prat d'Aguilo

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The third section of the way leaves the town of Gósol heading north, following the yellow-and-white marks of PR 124 through the village of Nas, through a rocky coast where it soon overlooks the Valley of Gósol and a good part of the course of the Aiguadevalls River and the Ensija Ranges and comes to pass Font Terrers with its fountain.

The path continues to the Plan del Martí and climbs gently to find the stream of Coma de Caners. Here the trail begins to climb through the forest, in some places steeply, leading to Cap de la Portella. After the pass, the forest is increasingly cleared, becoming a field. We walk flanking the valley to the east with the Valley of Cerneres to the north and north-west. We pass close to Font de la Roca and reach the Collell, the watershed between the Llobregat River in the Valley of Gresolet and Segre River, in the Valley of Cerneres. Now the path, a forest road closed in the winter and very busy in summer, reaches the Pla de les Bassotes. The place name comes from the large number of ponds that are scattered about; they are always more or less water and are used for cattle-watering.

We leave the forest road to follow the path that goes uphill to the north and begin a climb to reach the summit of Serra Pedregosa, where the way begins to flank until the Clot del Palomar with a final step that reaches Pas dels Gosolans, between the rounded top of Comabona Mountain at the east and north sides of the Cadí Range. In the background you can see the Prat d'Aguilo shelter, accessed by rocky steps that crisscross the northern edge of the range.

Spain - North East Spain - Barcelona - Parque Natural de Cadi-Moixero


Birds, Butterflies, Flowers, Great Views, Mountains, Nature Trail